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Home delivered ingredients

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Japanese supermarkets

The first supermarkets opened in Japan in 1953 and now almost 65 years later they are part of the nation's landscape. Many supermarkets have began 24 hour opening services which is convenient for the busy working man and for last minute shopping in the middle of the night !

But in this week teacher's blog, Takase sensei talks about an alternative to the supermarket... Read this Japanese lesson, and also learn Kanji and vocabulary from the word list. Also listen to natural Japanese and watch the video to improve your Japanese listening.

Home delivered ingredients


By TAKASE Chiharu



・・・が、でもこの悩みももう過去のことです。友人の紹介で食材宅配サービスを使い始めたところ、その便利なこと! 毎日必要な分量の肉、魚、野菜、卵を家まで宅配してもらえる上、レシピどおりに作れば栄養バランスはばっちりです。


To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.



・・・が、でもこの悩(なや)みももう過去(かこ)のことです。友人(ゆうじん)の紹介(しょうかい)で食材(しょくざい)宅配(たくはい)サービスを使(つか)い始(はじ)めたところ、その便利(べんり)なこと! 毎日(まいにち)必要(ひつよう)な分量(ぶんりょう)の肉(にく)、魚(さかな)、野菜(やさい)、卵(たまご)を家(いえ)まで宅配(たくはい)してもらえる上(うえ)、レシピどおりに作(つく)れば栄養(えいよう)バランスはばっちりです。


Home delivered ingredients

I'm not very good at shopping at the supermarket. Thinking up a few days of menus and considering and buying the necessary ingredients is really troublesome for me. So when I buy some random ingredients and I start to make something, I often find that I don't have this or that ingredient, or oppositely, I eventually don't use some ingredients and end up throwing them away.

...But that problem is now a thing of the past. Through a friend's invitation, I've just begun to use a food delivery service - what a convenient thing !Everyday, they deliver the necessary amounts of meat, fish, vegetables and eggs to my house and on top of that, if you make it according to their recipe, you have perfect nutritional balance.

It could be due to this that recently I feel that I've become healthier. There is a limitation of having a decided menu everyday, but it is very convenient and healthy. I recommend this to everyone.

献立(こんだて)menu; list of meals


宅配(たくはい)home delivery/p>

分量(ぶんりょう)amount; quantity


Konnichi-wa, everybody. Hajimemashite. My name is Chiharu Takase.
I was born in the spring, that's why my parents decided to include the the Kanji for spring (haru) in my name. My hometown is in Yamaguchi prefecture on the western coast of Honshu, but now I live in Kyoto, one of Japan's early capital cities. I'm married with one son, and my hobby is the Japanese tea ceremony.

Learning a new language, including Japanese, can be tough at first, but once you start comprehending the patterns and rhythm, you'll find that there is nothing more interesting. Do what you can, when you can, and enjoy the challenge. I'm really looking forward to meeting you in our online Japanese classroom. Let's spend an enjoyable 50 minutes together. Dozo yoroshiku onegai-shimasu.

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Guest Thursday, 25 April 2024