What does this Japanese mean?

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Some Japanese idioms can be hard to understand.

But even in the JLPT exams, these aspects of language are tested.

Let's try a Japanese quiz!



What does this phrase 「矢継ぎ早」(やつぎばや)mean?


Choose the correct word to fit into the missing space (    ).

Select the answer from choices 1~ 3 below.

① ゆっくりした slow
② とぎれがちな intermittent, often interrupted
③ 次々とはやい quickly one after another


答えは・・・The answer is・・・




③ 次々とはやい quickly one after another


◆ Today's expression

矢継ぎ早(やつぎばや) rapid-fire, fast and furious


◆ Example Sentence


The president was unable to answer the employee's barrage of questions.


◆ Etymology

The word 矢継ぎ "yatsugi" refers to the act of continuing to put the next arrow on the bow after shooting one arrow, and the word "yatsugi-haya" refers to a rapid succession of arrows.


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