The 5th season in Japan? Rainy Season!

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The 5th season in Japan? Rainy Season!

The 4 seasons of Japan?

Japanese people often explain that there are 4 seasons in Japan.
Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn.

But within these divisions are other micro-seasons.
These have many local names in Japan that can vary according to the area, and the occupation of the speaker.

For example, farmers often have different names for the mini-seasons to fishermen, for example.

But during the month of June, there is one season that everyone agrees to the name of, and this is rainy season.
Or is it?

The popular name of the Rainy season is:
梅雨 / つゆ / Tsuyu
The two Kanji mean Plum and Rain.
It is thought that the season comes at the same time as plum fruits blossom so, it is also called Plum Rain.

Another name for Rainy Season is:
黴雨 / ばいう / Bai u
The two Kanji mean Mold and Rain.
This name is thought to come from the fact that the rainy season is humid and causes a lot of mold to grow in the houses.

Confusingly, the Kanji for Tsuyu is also sometimes read as Baiu!


One other name for the Rainy season is
うき / Uki
It has two Kanji「雨季」and「雨期」

Some people feel that this is pointing to the same thing, while others claim that there is a difference.
The second Kanji 季 means season whereas 期 means time period.
And some people feel that there are some differences in the nuance of the time period, which highlights the fact that the period has a start and an end, and season which is a division of annual climates.

Which phrase do you use?
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