Otsukimi moon watching

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Otsukimi moon watching

Otsukimi moon watching

During the autumn season in Japan, there are several festivals to celebrate harvest.
One of the most iconic images of the harvest season is the autumn moon.

And in Japan, Tsukimi (月見) which is also called Otsukimi (お月見) is an interesting tradition.
It began largely in the Heian period of Japan when the nobility of Japan created a wealth of artistic pastimes.


The decorations during the festivals are often made with autumn pampas grass known as Susuki (すすき).

susuki moon

And the food served can be an assortment of newly harvested produce and rice dumplings.

autumn food


In Mid-Autumn especially, there are special days for this tradition.
It has roots in the Chinese calendar so the eighth full moon of the season is often a time to celebrate these traditions.

It is one of the more beautiful traditions of the Japanese year.

If you are in Japan during this season, take some time to find a temple, shrine, or Japanese garden that is holding one of these traditional ceremonies and try to go!


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