A key phrase in Japanese conversation

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Here is a useful idiomatic word you can use in business and everyday conversation.

Let's try a Japanese language quiz!


このポジションは組織の( )ですので、誰にでも務まるものではありません。


This position is a keystone of the organization and not just anyone can fill it.


Choose an answer from from 1~4.

主 (ぬし)

先 (せん)

重 (おも)




◆ Vocabulary Hint

組織(そしき)  organization

務(つと)める  play, act a part



答えは・・・The answer is・・・





④ 要(かなめ)


◆Todays Phrase :

要 (かなめ)

Kaname" means the fundamental part of a folding fan, and is used to express the important part of a fan, because if the key part is broken, the fan itself will also be broken.

◆Example sentence :


She is a key person on our team and we cannot afford to have her stop.



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