Japanese watermelon

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Japanese watermelon

In Japan, watermelon is known as Suika (スイカ).
They are a stereotypical summer fruit here and you can only find them during the summer months in local supermarkets.


Nutritional benefits

The nutritional benefits of watermelon tend to be overlooked since the fruit is 90% water.
In the hot and humid summer months, the benefits of hydration cannot be overstated, but watermelons contain other benefits too.

Although the amounts can be minimal, watermelon also contains Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and Vitamin C.


In Japan, you can find quite a range of prices for these fruits.
While the average fruit is not too expensive, there are many specialist brands and species.


Densuke Watermelons

This specialist fruit is grown in Hokkaido.
It has an interesting look to it, with black skin and almost no seeds.
The taste is extremely sweet and it is often given as a summer gift to important or favorite acquaintances.

densuke watermelon summer


Square Watermelons

There is an interesting backstory to this fruit - it was designed to fit inside a refrigerator without taking up unnecessary space.
But the farmer who had the idea found that the demand for this specially grown version of the popular round fruit became even more popular.
It is now another in-demand gift for summer gift giving season or Ochugen (お中元).

square watermelon

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