Hear enough Japanese?

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The Japanese language is full of idioms."

Using these can make your Japanese speaking sound more fluent and fun.

Here is a Japanese idiom meaning "I've heard it a million times!"


Let's try a Japanese language quiz!




B:それ、もう何度も聞いたよ。耳に(   )ができたよ。



A:The ice cream at that store is so good!

B:I've heard that many times. I've heard enough of it.


Choose an answer from from 1~4.

① ニキビ
② しみ
③ たこ
④ へこみ


◆Vocabulary Hint

ニキビ pimple

しみ spot

たこ callus

へこみ dent


答えは・・・The answer is・・・





③ たこ

◆Todays Phrase :


To have heard enough of something.



The word "tako" is written as "corpus callosum" and refers to thick, keratinized skin. It is an expression meaning "I am tired of hearing the same thing over and over again.It has been used since the old Edo period.


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