Bad Hair Day in Japan?

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Having a bad hair day?
Describing the state of your hair in Japanese can sound quire cute!

Let's try a Japanese language quiz!




今日は風が強くて、髪が(  )になった。

It was windy today and my hair became a mess.


Choose an answer from from 1~4.

① がりがり
② ふさふさ
③ ぼさぼさ
④ ひらひら

答えは・・・The answer is・・・




③ ぼさぼさ


◆Today's vocabulary:

風(かぜ)が強(つよ)い  windy.

髪(かみ) hair


◆ Today's phrase

ぼさぼさの髪(かみ)ruffled hair


◆ Example sentence

I just woke up and my hair is a mess.

If you use a hair dryer the wrong way, your hair will get all fuzzy!

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