Seasonal free discussions in Japanese

As autumn rolls around, let's get together and talk in Japanese.

September 2021 Chat Event Topic & Schedule

 How to enjoy the seasons

Date:2021/09/26 06:00 (Japan Time)

Level: Beginner2, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate


Takane sensei's remarks:


When do you feel the change of seasons from Spring to Summer to Autumn and Winter?
How do you enjoy the seasonal vegetables, fruit, and the changes in the landscape?
Do you feel the different seasons from information and photos in your Social Media?
Do you post about it?

 Long awaited things

Date:2021/09/30 12:00 (Japan Time)

Level: Intermediate, Advanced


Yokozuka sensei's remarks:


Is there anything that you have been anxiously waiting for?
Is there anyone you long to meet?
Do you have any long-awaited on sale dates for games or Manga comics, movies that you waiting to be released, a season you are waiting for or a long-awaited trip?
Let's talk about it in this month's free Chat Event.

The events are moderated by one of the JOI teachers and are a fun and relaxed way to enjoy learning Japanese online for free with other like-minded Japanese language learners.It's easy to attend one of these events.

  1. Login to the Reservation System.
  2. Click on the Chat Events page to see the topics and the date and time (shown in your own time zone).
  3. Reserve a Chat Event.
  4. When the date and time comes, scroll down to the bottom of the [Go to Classroom] page and click on the Chat Event Room link.