Your Japanese Phrase : Forgive and Forget

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Have you fallen out with a Japanese friend, and then made up later? Here is a great phrase to memorize!

Let's try a Japanese quiz!



過去のことは(  )に流して、前に進もう。

Let past bygones be bygones and let's move on.


◆ Vocabulary Hints

過去(かこ) past
前(まえ)に進(すす)む move on

Choose the correct word to fit into the missing space (    ).

Select the answer from choices 1~ 4 below.

① 海(うみ)
② 水(みず)
③ 川(かわ)
④ 夢(ゆめ)

答えは・・・The answer is・・・




② 水(みず)


◆ Today's expression


The phrase '水に流す' is a Japanese expression, which can be translated into English as 'to let bygones be bygones.'
This expression signifies the act of forgetting past events, misunderstandings, or conflicts and moving forward without making them an issue.

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