Cozy Up with Our Baby Hands Quiz

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Calling all Baby Enthusiasts!
Dive into our little Japanese language quiz about tiny Hands!

Let's try a Japanese language quiz!




かわいい赤ちゃん!( )のような手だね。

Cute baby! His hands are like( ).


Choose an answer from from 1~4.

① 桜
② 梅
③ 紅葉
④ 雪

答えは・・・The answer is・・・




③ 紅葉


◆ Vocabulary Hint

① 桜(さくら)cherry blossoms 

② 梅(うめ) plum blossoms

③ 紅葉(もみじ)maple leaves

④ 雪(ゆき)snow


◆Today's word

A small, cute hand figure of a young child.


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