A trendy phrase from Japan!

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Do you have a chance to communicate with some Japanese young people?
If yes, have you seen any new Internet Slang?

One word that is popular recently is "草".


And it means the same as "LOL" in English... But why???



In Japanese, the word for "laugh" is 笑 (わらう/ warau).

And when Japanese young people write "lol" in a text they often use a small "w" and it is used to indicate the word "warau!"




And when Japanese young people want to write that something is really really funny they write the word many times.. like this:

笑 笑 笑

or they use the alphabet "W" many times... like this:




So instead of writing "wwwwww" to mean... "lololol".

They just write one Kanji...



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