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Election Cars

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The Japanese political system

The Japanese political system is a democratic system that was originally based on the German Diet system. There are two houses - the lower house or the House of Representatives and the upper house or the House of Councilors.

There are a number of general elections held periodically to elect the members. The House of Representatives elections are held every four years. The House of Councillors elections are held every three years to choose half of the members.

The prime minister is decided by the ruling party and the Emperor is “the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people".

In this blog for Japanese language speakers by Japanese teacher Akari Ueno, the topic of the elections and in particular "Election cars" is in discussion. Read this blog and study Japanese for free, also watch the video on YouTube to practice your Japanese listening.

Election Cars


By UENO Akari





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Election Cars

In Japan, the House of Representatives was dissolved last month and with it, general elections were held across the country. The election day coincided with Halloween. I don’t know whether that was the influence, or whether because more people are losing interest in elections, but the turnout this time was 55.93%, the third lowest in the post-war period, although slightly higher than last time.

In Japan, there is a type of vehicle called a “campaign car” or “election car” which is used for campaigning. From morning to night, the candidates and the staff in the car advertise loudly in the streets, calling out the candidates' names and explaining their policies from inside the car. This is permitted by law and lasts until the day before polling day.

The pros and cons of this are for example people who say, “It was so loud it woke up my napping baby” and those who say, “It’s good to know who is running and what their policies are while you are in your house” makes these “election cars” quite controversial. But even when seen from a global standpoint, they are certainly a unique way of campaigning.


◆衆議院(しゅうぎいん):House of Representatives

◆総選挙(そうせんきょ):general election

◆投票日(とうひょうび):election day

◆投票率(とうひょうりつ):voting rate

◆戦後(せんご):in the postwar period; after the end of World WarⅡ

◆選挙運動(せんきょうんどう):election campaign


◆連呼(れんこ)する:to call repeatedly


◆宣伝(せんでん)する:to publicize


◆賛否両論(さんぴりょうろん): the pros and cons


Hajimemashite everyone ! My name is Akari Ueno.
I live in Tokyo with my husband and daughter. I have had the experience of living in Hokkaido, Yokohama and Singapore.
I studied History in university, so I love touring around historical ruins. When I was younger, I went to see the Great Pyramids and Borobudur in Indonesia, but now I merely tour around the neighborhood parks with my daughter. I dream of touring around the world's famous ruins with my daughter one day.

When I study languages, one English phrase always comes to mind, "Use it, or lose it". I used to be scared of making mistakes, so even when I learned new vocabulary, I didn't use it. But after learning this English phrase from a friend, I started to use the vocabulary and terms I'd learned without fear of making mistakes.

Try to use your newly learned vocabulary and phrases all the time in the lessons. Looking forward to meeting you all in class !

Start 3 Trial FlexLessons for only $9 !

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Guest Tuesday, 21 May 2024