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My recommended electrical appliances

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Japanese electrical appliances

Japan is one of the world's foremost countries for creating electrical appliances. There are many companies that specialize in this field, and many products that can be found domestically that do not make their way onto the international market.

In this Japanese learner's blog by Eguchi sensei, a teacher at JOI, she finds one particular electrical appliance indispensable.

Read the blog to learn more Japanese vocabulary and listen to the video to improve your Japanese listening.

My recommended electrical appliances




私には使うたびに「買ってよかったなあ」と思う電化製品があります。それは「シュレッダー」です。 家に帰ってきた時、ポストの中にたくさんのDM(ダイレクト・メール)が入っていることがありませんか? 必要ではないものも多いのですが、封筒に住所や名前が書いてあるので、そのまま捨てるのはいやです。それで「あとで捨てよう」ととりあえずげた箱やダイニングテーブルの上に置いてしまい、だんだん増えてしまう・・・。気づけば、テーブルの上にDMの山が・・・。

私は以前よくそんなことがあり、解決するためにシュレッダーを買いました。ポストからDMを取り、部屋に 入るまでに読んでしまい、そのまま住所と名前が書いてある部分を破ってシュレッダーに入れます。封筒 の中身はシュレッダーの横に置いた箱に入れ、たまったら資源ゴミとして出します。


シュレッダーを買ってから、DMに限らず紙類をためてしまうことがなくなり、すっきりした部屋で過ごすこと ができるようになりました。使っていない方がいらっしゃったら使ってみてはいかがでしょうか。いらないものが「シャリシャリシャリ・・・」という音といっしょに消えていく様子を見ると、ストレス解消にもなりますよ。

To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video. 


私(わたし)には使(つか)うたびに「買(か)ってよかったなあ」と思(おも)う電化製品(でんかせいひん)があります。それは「シュレッダー」です。 家(いえ)に帰(かえ)ってきた時(とき)、ポストの中(なか)にたくさんのDM(ダイレクト・メール)が入(はい)っていることがありませんか?必要(ひつよう)ではないものが多(おお)いのですが、封筒(ふうとう)に住所(じゅうしょ)や名前(なまえ)が書(か)いてあるので、そのまま捨(す)てるのはいやです。それで「あとで捨(す)てよう」ととりあえず げた箱(ばこ)やダイニングテーブルの上(うえ)に置(お)いてしまい、だんだん増(ふ)えてしまう・・・。気(き)づけば、テーブルの上(うえ)にDMの山(やま)が・・・。




My recommended electrical appliances

There is one electrical appliance which, every time I use it, I think “Thank goodness I bought it”. This is my paper-shredder. When you come home, do you ever have so much direct mail (pamphlets) lodged in your postbox ? There are many useless things in there, but my name and address are written on the envelopes so I don't want to throw them away just as they are.So I think to myself, “I'll throw them away later”, and for the time being, I leave them on top of the shoe rack or dining room table. But gradually they increase... and when I notice there is a mountain of direct mail on top of the table.

I often had this problem before, so to solve it I bought a paper-shredder. I pick up the direct mail from the postbox and by the time I get into my room, I read them all, then I tear off the parts that have my name and address written right on them and put them into the paper-shredder. I put the contents of the envelopes into a box next to the shredder and when they build up enough, I take them to the recyclable garbage.

My recommended paper-shredder isn't the small household-use type, but a business-use type used in companies. With the business-use one, you can put several sheets of paper in stacked together and it doesn't jam so you can use without any stress. And the bigger it is, the less the frequency with which you have to throw out the garbage, so its easier.

After buying the paper-shredder, not only direct mail, but other types of paper stop building up too and I am now able to live in a neat room. If there are those among you who have never used one, why don't you try to use one. When you see the useless things disappear together with a crunching sound, it can also be a form of stress relief.

~たびに every time

電化製品(でんかせいひん) electrical appliances

シュレッダー paper-shredder

そのまま just as it is

とりあえず for the time being

げた箱(ばこ) shoe rack

以前(いぜん) before

解決(かいけつ)する solve

資源(しげん)ゴミ recyclable garbage

おすすめの recommended

家庭用(かていよう) for home use

業務用(ぎょうむよう) for business use

詰まる(つまる) jam

頻度(ひんど) frequency

楽(らく) easy

に限(かぎ)らず not only~

すっきりした部屋(へや)  neat room

ストレス解消(かいしょう) stress relieving


Hajimemashite everybody ! My name is Chie Eguchi. I live in Kawanishi city in Hyougo prefecture. Its about 20 minutes to Osaka station by train. It is an easy-going place with lots of fig and peach orchards.

I love reading books, and soaking in the bath while reading a book is my favorite pastime. I've been playing tennis since my university days, and although I'm a terrible player, I still play from time to time.

I have taught at Japanese language schools in Thailand, Hong Kong and Osaka. In my lessons, once you have grasped the meanings and understood the situations in which words and phrases are used, then the most important thing is to talk as much as possible. I want to help you learn Japanese in the most effective manner. Let's do this together !

Start 3 Trial FlexLessons for only $9 !

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