Speak Japanese for free with JOI's Free Discussion Event !

JOI is a Japanese online school that offers group lessons and private lessons.
And also twice a month there are free Japanese conversation talk events for all JOI members.

The events have a professional Japanese teacher in them and the members talk about a number of subjects.

If you haven't joined JOI yet, please try out the 3 Trial Lessons for $9 or 900 and try this month's Chat Events for free as well!

December 2014 Chat Event Topic & Schedule

Topic: 世界の独特な食べ物 Unique world foods

Date: 2014/12/16 22:00 (Japan Time)

Level: Beginner2, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate


Yatabe sensei's remarks:


Is there any food that you've heard of, but never tried, that you would like to try ?
Or are there foods that you would't have the guts to eat, but would like to see ?

Topic: 2014年を振り返る Looking back over 2014

Date: 2014/12/22 9:00 (Japan Time)

Level: Intermediate, Advanced


Yokozuka sensei's remarks:

今年はとんな年でしたか。 今年がんばったこと、面白かったこと、驚いたこと、 今年はやったもの、やろうと思っていてまだやっていないことなど、今年の出来事について話しましょう。

What kind of year was this year for you ?
What did you try hard at this year, what was interesting, what surprised you,
What did you do this year, what did you plan to do but didn't get to,
Lets talk about this year's happenings.

The events are moderated by one of the JOI teachers and are a fun and relaxed way to enjoy learning Japanese online for free with other like-minded Japanese language learners.It's easy to attend one of these events.

  1. Login to the Reservation System.
  2. Click on the Chat Events page to see the topics and the date and time (shown in your own time zone).
  3. Reserve a Chat Event.
  4. When the date and time comes, scroll down to the bottom of the [Go to Classroom] page and click on the Chat Event Room link.

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