Hakata Tonkotsu Ramen experience

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Have you ever tried Ramen noodles?

They are a very popular dish in Japan and China especially.

Ramen is actually a Japanese adaptation of Chinese wheat noodle soups.

And the name comes from the northern Chinese dish of lamian.


All over Japan, there are local varieties.

Arguably one of the most famous is Hakata Ramen from the northern Kyushu city of Fukuoka.

There are numerous stores all over the city with varying prices and specialties.


The standard Hakata Ramen is Tonkotsu ramen (豚骨ラーメン) .

The broth for tonkotsu ramen is based upon pork bones, and tonkotsu (豚骨/とんこつ) in Japanese means "pork bones".

Watch a staff-created video of a Hakata Tonkotsu Ramen experience.