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Cashless lifestyle

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Payments in Japan

In Japan, there are various ways to make payments. Most people tend to prefer to make payments with cash, but the government and businesses are currently pulling towards a cashless style of payments.

Credit card payments and paying with smartphone-based mobile money is increasing. And there are a number of competing services that are fighting for dominance in the growing market.

In this blog for Japanese language learners, Japanese teacher Megumi Hachiyama from JOI online school introduces this topic with a surprising reason for her switch to a cashless lifestyle.

Read the blog and learn some new Japanese vocabulary and listen to fluent spoken Japanese in the video too.

Cashless lifestyle








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 今(いま)は低金利時代(ていきんりじだい)、、、仮(かり)に、100,000円(えん)を一年間(いちねんかん)銀行(ぎんこう)に預(あず)けても、普通預金(ふつうよきん)の利息(りそく)たったの1、2円(えん)ほどです。一方(いっぽう)、カードで100,000円(えん)の支払(しはら)いをすると、1.000円分(えんぶん)がポイントとして戻(もど)ってきます。つまり、カードの還元率(かんげんりつ)は銀行利息(ぎんこうりそく)の数百 (すうひゃくばい)なんです。このことがきっかけで、カード決済(けっさい)というものを見直(みなお)しました。

 今(いま)は、公共料金(こうきょうりょうきん)の支払(しはら)いもカード決済(けっさい)に 切(き)り替(か)えました。買い物(かいもの)やレストランなどでもカードが使(つか)えるところは、カードを使(つか)うようになりました。ただ、カードは、使(つか)う時(とき)にお金(かね)を使(つか)った感(かん)がないので、使(つか)いすぎないように注意(ちゅうい)が必要(ひつよう)です。

Cashless lifestyle

Recently, there has been a small change in my everyday life. That is that when I pay money, I do not use cash but I have started to pay by credit card.

Originally, I did not like having credit cards, but recently my thinking on this has changed, The trigger or motivation happened a few months ago when I some large expenses were piling up and that time I made the payments with my credit card. The month after I used my card, the card usage details arrived and I was shocked by the amount paid, but alternatively, I was able to do some necessary shopping with the points that were saved up.

Now is the era of low-interest rates. Let's say provisionally that you deposit 100,000 yen in a bank for a year the interest payment from an ordinary bank account will only be 1 or 2 yen. On the other hand, if you spend 100,000 yen with your credit card you get 1000 yen of points in return. Which means that the rate of return is a few hundred times more with a card. This led me to rethink payments by credit cards.

Now I have changed the payments of my utility bills to be paid by credit card. In restaurants and shops etcetera where I can use a credit card, I have started to pay by credit card. However, when you use a credit card, it doesn't really feel as if you have used money, so you have to take care not to use it too much.



出費(しゅっぴ)が重(かさ)なる:expenses pile up


利用明細(りようめいさい):usage details


低金利時代(ていきんりじだい):low interest





つまり: in other words

還元率(かんげんりつ):rate of reduction



公共料金(こうきょうりょうきん):public charge


感(かん)がない:there is no feeling


Hajimemashite everyone ! My name is Megumi Hachiyama. I live in Fukuoka prefecture. I have never lived anywhere else other than Fukuoka since I was born, but the nature here is so beautiful and the food is so delicious - I just love Fukuoka ! What part of Japanese or Japan are you interested in ?

I want to share with you the joy of that feeling you get when your "Wakaranai" (I don't understand) becomes "Wakaru" (I understand), and your "Wakaru" (I understand) becomes "Dekiru or Tsukaeru!" (I can use it !))... Looking forward to meeting you.

Start 3 Trial FlexLessons for only $9 !

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