Macho in Japanese

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There are so many onomatopoeia words in Japanese. Some can be used to make a conversation lighter and more fun.

Can you guess what the word for "Macho" is in Japanese is?

Let's try a Japanese language quiz!



今年こそ、ジムに行って( ____)になりたい!


This is the year I want to go to the gym and get muscular.


Choose an answer from from 1~34.

① ムキムキ
② ガリガリ
③ ガンガン
④ パンパン


答えは・・・The answer is・・・





① ムキムキ


The Japanese language loves onomatopoeia !
It gives a levity and humour to the language you use in conversation.

There are so many words like these.
Try to use them next time you speak Japanese with people.