Confusing phrase in Japanese!

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Do you sometimes find learning a language confusing?

There is a phrase you can use in Japanese to express your lack of understanding.

Let's try a Japanese language quiz!



A: 昨日のJLPTの試験、どうだった?
B:(    )だったよ。


A: How did you do on the JLPT exam yesterday?
B: It was all Greek to me!


Choose an answer from from 1~3.

① ちんぷんかんぷん
② じゃんけんぽん
③ とんちんかん


答えは・・・The answer is・・・





① ちんぷんかんぷん


Example sentence


That movie was a bit gibberish in the beginning, but it got more and more interesting.


This is a fun phrase you can use in everyday Japanese!

Try using it in your next conversation in class or with Japanese friends.