Migratory birds in Japan

Do you have migratory birds in your country? In Japan, one of the most famous is the swallow or Tsubame. Yamamoto sensei introduces this season's mysterious occurence.

The swallows are coming






 毎年4月の初めの頃、オーストラリアやフイリピンなどの南の国から、日本に来ます。 よく、人が住んでいる家の玄関にを作ります。 ツバメは次の年もその場所を覚えていて、同じ家の玄関に来るそうです。 不思議ですね。

 また、ツバメの巣ができる家には幸せが来ると言われています。 巣はあまり綺麗ではないのですが、秋に南の国に帰るまでみんな大切にします。

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 毎年(まいとし)4月(しがつ)の初(はじ)めの頃(ころ)、オーストラリアやフイリピンなどの南(みなみ)の国(くに)から、日本(にほん)に来ます。 よく、人が住(す)んでいる家(いえ)の玄関(げんかん)に巣(す)を作(つく)ります。 ツバメは次(つぎ)の年もその場所(ばしょ)を覚(おぼ)えていて、同(おな)じ家(いえ)の玄関(げんかん)に来るそうです。 不思議(ふしぎ)ですね。

 また、ツバメの巣(す)ができる家(いえ)には幸(しあわ)せが来(く)ると言(い)われています。 巣(す)はあまり綺麗(きれい)ではないのですが、秋(あき)に南(みなみ)の国(くに)に帰(かえ)るまでみんな大切(たいせつ)にします。

The swallows are coming

This week we introduce 'Tsubame ga kuru' - It means: Many swallows will soon come from the south.

Swallows are well-known migratory birds in Japan. They come to Japan from southern countries such as Australia and the Philippines at the beginning of April every year.

They often come to the front door of houses where people live. They often nest in the doorways of inhabited houses. It is said that swallows remember the same place the next year and come to the entrance of the same house. It is a small mystery.

It is also said that happiness comes to houses with swallow nests. The nests are not very beautiful, but the birds take good care of them until they return to the south in autumn.

渡(わた)り鳥(どり)migratory bird



I started teaching Japanese to technical intern trainees and internship students, and since 2019, online Japanese instructor at JOI.

My main focus is on Business Japanese and JLPT grammar (N1,N2.N3) in particular. I am also available for short-term private lessons to improve your business Japanese skills before joining a company, taking an assignment, or changing jobs on your requested schedule.

I worked for a major machine manufacturer for about 40 years. During that time, I was assigned to various departments such as factories, trading, R&D, sales, general affairs, accounting, and auditing. With these experiences, I believe I can provide you with practical assistance in various situations when you are doing business in Japanese.

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