Heat packs or ‘warmers’ in Japan

Heat packs or ‘warmers’ as they are known in Japan, are a great way to stay warm in winter. They are disposable and can keep you warm for over 8 hours. Some are sticky and you can stick them on your undergarments to keep your back or belly warm, and some can be put inside your shoes to keep your toes warm.

But there is something that not many people know about these ‘warmers’ and in this blog for Japanese language learners, one of the teachers at JOI, Emi Sakude, explains what that thing is.

Read the blog and learn new Kanji and also listen to the blog by clicking on the link to the Youube video.

Collecting disposable warmers








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Collecting disposable warmers

Have you ever used disposable body warmers? I am so grateful for the heat of a warmer, especially on cold days. For me, it is a necessity that I cannot do without. What do you do with the warmer after use? Do you throw them away immediately?

 The other day, I found out that disposable body warmers are collected in a neighbourhood park. Why do they collect disposable body warmers? Do you know why they are collecting disposable body warmers? Disposable body warmers are said to purify oceans, rivers and ponds, so they can clean water all over the world. I had never thought that body warmers could be recycled until now. I also thought it was wonderful that the water can be cleaned with the disposable warmers and help with environmental problems.  

 Warmers are very useful in winter. This is then transformed into an activity to clean up rivers and oceans. It will soon be summer in Japan. It is getting hotter and hotter every day, so we don't have much time to use the warmers, but we will collect them little by little and hope to cooperate with the collection next year.

使い捨て つかいすて  disposable

手放(てばな)せない cannot do without

ご存(ぞん)じです Do you know that man?

浄化(じょうか)する purify

リサイクル recycle

手助(てだす)け help; assistance


Hajimemashite! I am Sakude Emi. I live in Osaka, Japan's second largest city, with my daughters, son and my Brazilian husband. My hobby is cooking, especially dishes from around the world.

My husband and I often talk about how much misunderstanding there is in the world between individuals and between nations. We feel it is these misunderstandings that block smooth human relations. I would like to do what I can to unravel these knots of misunderstanding.

If there is anything you'd like to ask me, even if it's not connected to learning Japanese, please feel free. Let's do our best together. Ganbarou

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