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Teachers' stories

Some funny anecdotes or personal observations by the JOI Japanese teachers. 

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Ikebana Japanese flower arrangement

Ikebana is a Japanese form of flower arranging that was started in the 15th Century by a monk named Senkei Ikenobo. It is a highly stylized form of art and can take years to master.

It is one of the most celebrated art forms in Japan. It can express the changes of seasons and also the changes that can be seen as flowers age.

In this blog for Japanese learners by Japanese language teacher Hiroshi Yamamoto, you can read his slice of life story about living with this sense of flowers in your house, as well as study Japanese by listening to Yamamoto sensei read the blog himself.
Learn new Kanji and practice your reading skills too.

Flowers near you










 花を身近に置いて見て、どのような物にも良い点があり、それを活かすことの素晴らしさを感じました。 皆さんも、身近な所に花を置いて、その変化を楽しんでみてはどうでしょうか。


To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video. 






 花(はな)を身近(みじか)に置(お)いて見(み)て、どのような物(もの)にも良(よ)い点(てん)があり、それを活(い)かすことの素晴(すば)らしさを感(かん)じました。 皆(みな)さんも、身近(みじか)な所(ところ)に花‘はな)を置(お)いて、その変化(へんか)を楽(たの)しんでみてはどうでしょうか。

Flowers near you

Do you have any flowers in your rooms at the moment? There are always flowers in my house's living room, so we can enjoy the change of seasons indoors as well.

The flowers are mainly grown in our garden, and there are some that we receive from our neighbour's garden. My wife used to learn Ikebana Japanese flower arrangements. She doesn't learn it anymore, but she continues to do Ikebana at home. We have a lot of flowers in the garden in flower pots but they do not stand out. But when you use them in flower arrangements in a room, they look really wonderful. And I think this is because she picks them at their most beautiful stage of growth, and arranges them in a way that brings out their qualities.

However, in the arrangements, the flowers deteriorate little by little and the entire form starts to lose shape. When this happens, my wife thins out the damaged flowers. Then this brings out the qualities of the leftover flowers and you can continue to display them until the end by continuing to touch up their general form. And this looks exactly like living a good life even as you age.

By looking at flowers that are close to me, I can see the good points of each one, and I get to feel what a wonderful thing it is to bring these out. Why don't you try to put some flowers near you and enjoy their changes as well?


生(い)け花(ばな):ikebana; Japanese art of flower arrangement

習(なら)う:to take lessons in

目立(めだ)つ:to be conspicuous

素敵(すてき):lovely; nice; 

採(と)る:to pick

引(ひ)き出(だ)す:to bring out 

活(い)ける:to arrange 

傷(いた)む:to be damaged

崩(くず)れる:to get out of shape

間引(まび)く:to thin out

整(ととの)える:to arrange



Konnichiwa! My name is Hiroshi Yamamoto. I live in Oita in Kyushu with my family (my wife, daughter and an old female cat). Oita is famous for hot springs. I often visit hot springs in the winter.

My hobbies are gardening and watching soccer. When caring for my plants, I notice their daily changes and I feel relaxed. About soccer, I played soccer until about 20 years ago. But now I just watch the game.

I worked for a machine manufacturer for about 40 years. During that time, I worked in various departments including factory, trade, research and development, sales, general affairs, accounting, and auditing. I think I can help you to understand about business, industry and life in Japan from my experience.

What is your purpose of studying Japanese? Let’s make your dream come true by learning Japanese. I will do my best in our class to help you achieve your goals. Please knock on the classroom door at any time.

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