Let's speak Japanese in 2016 !

Start the year out with some great Japanese speaking events.
These free discussion sessions with professional Japanese teachers are a fun way to make use of your language ability.

January 2016 Chat Event Topic & Schedule

Topic: 2015年と2016年
2015 and 2016

Date:2016/1/26 13:00 (Japan Time)

Level: Beginner2, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate


Itaya sensei's remarks:


What did you that was the most fun in 2015, what was disappointing ?
Then, let's talk about what you want to do in 2016.

Topic: あ~、もったいない
Oh no, what a waste !

Date: 2016/1/22 21:00 (Japan Time)

Level: Intermediate, Advanced


Hachiyama sensei's remarks:

自分で注文した料理なのに、どうしても食べきれず、残してしまった・・・。 そんな時、私は「もったいない」と思ってしまいます。
また、食べ物だけでなく日常生活の中で見た、あるいは聞いた あなたの「もったいない」話を聞かせてください。

Have you done something wasteful recently ?
For example when I order some food and can't eat it all and end up with left-overs... At that time, I feel it is such a waste."Mottainai!"
How about you ?
Not just with food, but in everyday life, or perhaps a story you've heard, talk in Japanese about your wasteful experiences.

The events are moderated by one of the JOI teachers and are a fun and relaxed way to enjoy learning Japanese online for free with other like-minded Japanese language learners.It's easy to attend one of these events.

  1. Login to the Reservation System.
  2. Click on the Chat Events page to see the topics and the date and time (shown in your own time zone).
  3. Reserve a Chat Event.
  4. When the date and time comes, scroll down to the bottom of the [Go to Classroom] page and click on the Chat Event Room link.