Talk in Japanese about 2020

Join our free Japanese discussion events held in December 2020 for all JOI members.

December 2020 Chat Event Topic & Schedule

Topic: 今年を振り返って
Looking back over the year

Date:2020/12/22 15:00 (Japan Time)

Level: Beginner2, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate


Suzuki sensei's remarks:


How was 2020 for you?
I think that it was difficult year for many people due to the Coronavirus.
Let's talk in Japanese about what was fun during this year or what you found difficult or disappointing.

Topic: 小さな幸せ
Little joys

Date: 2020/12/23 11:00 (Japan Time)

Level: Intermediate, Advanced


Yanaka sensei's remarks:


In your daily life, what things make you feel happy?
What is something that happened recently that felt good?
Is there any little joy that you would like to share with others?

The events are moderated by one of the JOI teachers and are a fun and relaxed way to enjoy learning Japanese online for free with other like-minded Japanese language learners.It's easy to attend one of these events.

  1. Login to the Reservation System.
  2. Click on the Chat Events page to see the topics and the date and time (shown in your own time zone).
  3. Reserve a Chat Event.
  4. When the date and time comes, scroll down to the bottom of the [Go to Classroom] page and click on the Chat Event Room link.