Talk in Japanese about the new year and winter

Join the free Japanese talking events at JOI in January 2019 for members.

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January 2019 Chat Event Topic & Schedule

Topic: 冬 Winter

Date:2019/1/22 11:00 (Japan Time)

Level: Beginner2, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate


Sakude sensei's remarks:


When you think about winter, what images come to mind?
Winter events, winter sports, winter cuisine, or some winter memories?
Let's talk about Winter in this month's free Japanese dicussion event.

Topic: 2019年の抱負
2019 Resolutions

Date: 2019/1/26 19:00 (Japan Time)

Level: Intermediate, Advanced


Imoto sensei's remarks:


What would kind of year would you like to make 2019 for you?
Would you like to travel or take some tests? Have you already made some plans?
Is there something that makes you think..."This year..."
I would love to hear about your enthusiastic thoughts about the new year.