Japanese winter season starts!

Marking the start of winter in Japan with this special Kanji. Learn new Kanji and listen to practice your JLPT Listening Comprehension with this free lesson blog.

Winter Begins in Japan





 「立つ」と言う字には季節が始まるという意味があります。 「立冬」とは冬が始まる日という意味で、11月8日頃です。 ちなみに、春の始まる日は「立春」と言い、2月4日頃です。

 この頃になると、朝夕はぐっと寒くなり、暖房器具を使い始めます。 昔からこの日に「こたつ」を出すと火事になりにくいと言われている「こたつ開きの日」があり、その日にこたつを出す家が多いです。

 また、冷たい北風も吹き始め、木の葉が落ち、枯れ葉が増える時期でもあります。 その年初めて吹く強い北風を「木枯らし1号」と言います。毎年気象庁より発表されます。



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 今週(こんしゅう)は「立冬(りっとう)」を紹介(しょうかい)します。 「立つ」と言う字(じ)には季節(きせつ)が始(はじ)まるという意味(いみ)があります。「立冬(りっとう)」とは冬(ふゆ)が始(はじ)まる日(ひ)という意味(いみ)で、11月8日(じゅういちがつようか)頃(ごろ)です。ちなみに、春(はる)の始(はじ)まる日(ひ)は「立春(りっしゅん)」と言(い)い、2月4日(にがつよっか)頃(ごろ)です。


 また、冷(さ)たい北風(きたかぜ)も吹(ふ)き始(はじ)め、木の葉(は)が落(お)ち、枯(か)れ葉(は)が増(ふ)える時期(じき)でもあります。 その年(とし)初(はじ)めて吹(ふ)く強(つよ)い北風(きたかぜ)を「木枯(こがらし)1号(いちごう)」と言(い)います。毎年(まいとし)気象庁(きしょうちょう)より発表(はっぴょう)されます。


This week we introduce 'Ritto'.

The character for "stand"「立つ」 means the beginning of a season. Ritto means the day on which winter begins, which is around 8 November. Incidentally, the day when spring begins is called 'Risshun', which is around 4 February.

Around this time, the mornings and evenings become much colder and people start using heaters. There is an old saying that if you put out your kotatsu heater table on this day, it is said to be less likely to catch fire, and many households put out their kotatsu on that day.

It is also the time of year when the cold northerly winds begin to blow, the leaves fall from the trees and the dead leaves increase. The first strong north wind of the year is called 'kokareashi no. 1'. It is announced every year by the Japan Meteorological Agency.

In this way, Japanese people have lived their lives with an interest in the signs of the changing seasons.

立冬(りっとう) first day of winter

こたつ Kotatsu

木枯(こが)らし1号(ごう)  first wintry wind in fall

気象庁(きしょうちょう)   Japan Meteorological Agency

気配(けはい) sign


I started teaching Japanese to technical intern trainees and internship students, and since 2019, online Japanese instructor at JOI.

My main focus is on Business Japanese and JLPT grammar (N1,N2.N3) in particular. I am also available for short-term private lessons to improve your business Japanese skills before joining a company, taking an assignment, or changing jobs on your requested schedule.

I worked for a major machine manufacturer for about 40 years. During that time, I was assigned to various departments such as factories, trading, R&D, sales, general affairs, accounting, and auditing. With these experiences, I believe I can provide you with practical assistance in various situations when you are doing business in Japanese.

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