Japanese summer noodles

Noodles are a staple Japanese cuisine and are especially popular in the hot and humid summer months. It is a season when a lot of people lose their appetite due to the heat. But noodles are suitable for this season. They can also be cooled down which is great for those with a lack of appetite.

Ueno sensei finds that these Washoku staples are actually more than just a foodstuff...for moms, they can be a Godsend.

Noodles in summer


By UENO Akari

日本は、今まさに夏休み真っ只中です。 真っ黒に日焼けしながらプールで泳ぐ小学生や、図書館で受験勉強をする中高生など、いろいろな学生を見かけます。夏休みは、学生たちにとって普段したくてもできないことをいろいろ経験できる、いい機会です。










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日本(にほん)は、今(いま)まさに夏休(なつやす)み真(ま)っ只中(ただなか)です。 真(ま)っ黒(くろ)に日焼(ひや)けしながらプールで泳(およ)ぐ小学生(しょうがくせい)や、図書館(としょかん)で受験勉強(じゅけんべんきょう)をする中高生(ちゅうこうせい)など、いろいろな学生(がくせい)を見(み)かけます。夏休(なつやす)みは、学生たちにとって普段(ふだん)したくてもできないことをいろいろ経験(けいけん)できる、いい機会(きかい)です。






Noodles in summer

Japan is right in the middle of summer. You can see a lot of students around, from elementary students darkly tanning as they swim in pools to junior high and high school students studying in libraries for their entrance examinations. Summer season for students is a good chance for them to experience things that they want to, but cannot do usually.

However, the summer holidays include a long training period for mothers known as “Lunch making”. Students who usually eat school lunches or take lunchboxes to school, eat lunch at home more times during the summer holidays. And mothers are perplexed by this daily lunch making. But there is one saving grace in this, and this is noodles.

Soumen noodles are quick and easy to boil so you can quickly feed the kids when they come home earlier than expected saying “I'm hungry!” With their smooth sensation when ingesting, they are easy to eat even for children who have lost their appetites.

With Yakisoba noodles, you can add meat and vegetables and give them nutrition, and you can make large portions which is fitting for children who eat a lot. And if you mix Yakisoba noodles with rice you can also make the “Soba Meshi” dish.

Soba buckwheat noodles are the healthiest of all. When you feel that something is missing you can add some Tempura or you can make Tororo Soba Noodles (with grated yam) and enjoy arranging different ways to eat them. There are surprising many children who, when they do not feel like eating rice can actually eat Soba noodles.

There are more noodle types, like chilled Chinese noodles, Kishimen (noodles made in flat strip), Udon noodles and so on. Many kinds of noodles help mothers during the summer holidays. Towards the end of the summer, the number of families having this type of conversation increase “Soumen noodles today again ? I've grown tired of this.” And since this is a conversation that only happens in summer, I kind of like it.

◆麺(めん): noodle

◆救(すく)う: save

◆~真っ只中: in the middle of~

◆修行(しゅぎょう): training; study

◆頭(あたま)を悩(なや)ませる: worry; annoy; puzzle over

◆のどごし: smooth sensation when swallowing

◆そばめし: そばとご飯(はん)を混(ま)ぜて炒(いた)めたもの。

◆物足(ものた)りない: not enough

◆とろろ: grated yam

◆きしめん: 名古屋(なごや)の名物(めいぶつ)。flat noodle

◆~ならでは: only~ has; only~ can do


Hajimemashite everyone ! My name is Akari Ueno.
I live in Tokyo with my husband and daughter. I have had the experience of living in Hokkaido, Yokohama and Singapore.
I studied History in university, so I love touring around historical ruins. When I was younger, I went to see the Great Pyramids and Borobudur in Indonesia, but now I merely tour around the neighborhood parks with my daughter. I dream of touring around the world's famous ruins with my daughter one day.

When I study languages, one English phrase always comes to mind, "Use it, or lose it". I used to be scared of making mistakes, so even when I learned new vocabulary, I didn't use it. But after learning this English phrase from a friend, I started to use the vocabulary and terms I'd learned without fear of making mistakes.

Try to use your newly learned vocabulary and phrases all the time in the lessons. Looking forward to meeting you all in class !

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