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Various types of sushi

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Japanese washoku dishes

Japanese cuisine or Washoku was recently added to the list of the World’s Intangible Cultural Heritage. It is a cultural cuisine with differences from area to area in Japan and has a long and rich history.One of the most recognizable foods within this cuisine is of course sushi.

In this informative blog, Itaya sensei explains many of the different types of sushi. How many do you know and have tasted ? Which ones would you like to try ?

Read the blog and add a comment below !

Various types of sushi


By ITAYA Sayuri

今や世界で食べられている日本料理の寿司。好きな方が多いと思います。 一言で「寿司」と言っても色々な種類があります。

皆さんがよくご存じなのは、にぎった「しゃり」(酢飯)の上に、「寿司種」や「タネ 」と呼ばれる(職人は「ネタ」というそうです) 生鮮魚介を載せた「握り寿司」だと思います。この握り寿司は握りたてを食べられる寿司屋だけでなく、寿司をのせた小皿がベルトコンベアに載って回ってくる回転寿司店、それにスーパーでも販売されているので、食べられる機会も多いと思います。















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今(いま)や世界(せかい)で食(た)べられている日本料理(にほんりょうり)の寿司(すし)。好(す)きな方(かた)が多(おお)いと思(おも)います。 一言(ひとこと)で「寿司」と言(い)っても色々(いろいろ)な種類(しゅるい)があります。

皆(みな)さんがよくご存(ぞん)じなのは、握(にぎ)った「しゃり」(酢飯(すめし))の上(うえ)に、「寿司種(すしだね)」や「タネ」と呼(よ)ばれる(職人(しょくにん)は「ネタ」と言うそうです) 生鮮魚介(せいせんぎょかい)載(の)せた「握(にぎ)り寿司(ずし)」だと思(おも)います。この握り寿司は握りたてを食べられる寿司屋(すしや)だけでなく、寿司を載せた小皿(こざら)がベルトコンベアに載って回(まわ)ってくる回転寿司店(かいてんずしてん)、それにスーパーでも販売(はんばい)されているので、食べられる機会(きかい)も多いと思います。

握り寿司と一緒(いっしょ)によく食べられている「軍艦巻(ぐんかんまき)」という寿司もあります。こちらは酢飯を海苔(のり)巻(ま)き、その上に魚卵(ぎょらん)のように小(ちいさ)さくて、形(かたち)の崩(くず)れやすい寿司種を載せた寿司です。その姿(すがた)軍艦(ぐんかん)似(に)ていることから「軍艦巻」と (な)づけられたそうです。







Various types of sushi

Right now at this time, one Japanese cuisine is being eaten all around the world, and this is sushi. I think there are a lot of people who love this food.

Although we use the one word 'sushi', there are actually a lot of different varieties. I think that the one you are most familiar with is Nigiri zushi, which is the one with the hand-formed sushi rice (or shari) on top of which the sushi topping (or tane - which is also called neta by craftsmen) of fresh seafood is placed. This Nigiri zushi can be eaten not only at sushi bars, but also it can be found placed on plates which revolve along conveyor belts at Kaiten Sushi shops and also sold in supermarkets, so you have many opportunities to eat this type of sushi.

Also often eaten with Nigiri zushi is the Gunkan Maki type of sushi. This consists of sushi rice which is wrapped with Nori seaweed and on top of this, sushi toppings which are small and crumble easily, like fish roe, are placed. The shape resembles a battleship (or Gunkan in Japanese ) so it was named Gunkan Maki.

There is also Maki zushi in which the sushi rice and the sushi topping are rolled length-ways in some Nori seaweed. Depending on the thickness, they also go by the names Hosomaki (thin rolls) and Futomaki (thick rolls).

Also Inari zushi is popular too, which is seasoned fried tofu into which sushi rice is inserted. In the supermarkets these are often sold along side the Nori seaweed rolls.

Other types are Nama chirashi in which the sushi rice is put on a plate or in a bowl and sushi toppings are placed on top, or Oshi zushi in which the rice and sushi topping are layered on top of each other in a bowl or on a plate and pushed down on very hard.

And there is Chirashi zushi which is often made at home. This type uses not only seafood ingredients but also thinly sliced vegetables mixed in the sushi rice and decorated with thin-cut omelette strips and sushi toppings on top.

Temaki zushi can be easily made for home parties. Each person takes a piece of Nori seaweed and places some sushi rice on it then selects a piece of sushi topping of their choice and wraps it with their own hands and eats it.

So in this way, when we say 'sushi' we refer to a very profound food with many varieties and with tastes that differ from area to area and from family to family. Which sushi would you like to try ?

今や 【いまや】 now (esp. in contrast to the past); now at last; at present; right now

酢飯 【すめし】 {food} vinegared rice; rice prepared for sushi

種 【たね】 {food} ingredient; leaven (bread); main ingredient of a sushi

職人 【しょくにん】 worker; mechanic; artisan; craftsman

生鮮 【せいせん】 fresh

魚介【ぎょかい】 marine products; seafood; fish and shellfish

載せる 【のせる】to place on (something)

握り寿司 【にぎりずし】{food} nigirizushi; hand-formed sushi with a topping of seafood, etc.

【たて】 just (done); freshly (baked); indicates activity only just occurred

ベルトコンベアconveyor belt; belt conveyor;

回転寿司 【かいてんずし】"conveyor belt" sushi bar; sushi-go-round; sushi train; kaiten-zushi

販売 【はんばい】 sales; selling; marketing

機会 【きかい】 chance; opportunity

軍艦巻 【ぐんかんまき】 battleship roll sushi

のり; ノリ 《海苔》 nori (edible seaweed, esp. species Porphyra tenera and others of genus Porphyra, usu. dried and pressed into sheets); laver

巻く 【まく】 to roll

魚卵 【ぎょらん】 fish eggs; roe

崩れる 【くずれる】 to collapse; to crumble; to get out of shape; to lose one's shape

姿 【すがた】 figure; form; shape

軍艦 【ぐんかん】 warship; battleship

似る 【にる】 to resemble; to look like; to take after

名づける 【なづける】 to name; to call

細長い 【ほそながい】 long and narrow

呼び名 【よびな】 given name; popular name

味付け 【あじつけ】{food} seasoning; flavour; flavor

油揚げ 【あぶらあげ】 {food} fried tofu

稲荷寿司 【いなりずし】 {food} sushi wrapped in fried tofu

とともに 《と共に》 together with

重ねる 【かさねる】 to pile up; to put something on top of another;

押し寿司 【おしずし】 {food} oshizushi; sushi rice and other ingredients pressed in box or mould (mold)

錦糸卵 【きんしたまご】 thin omelette cut into strips

飾る 【かざる】 to decorate

手巻き寿司 【てまきずし】 {food} hand-rolled sushi (usu. cone-shaped)

個人個人 【こじんこじん】 individual; one by one

好み 【このみ】 liking; taste; choice

によって異なる 【によってことなる】 to differ depending on ...



Hajimemashite, everyone. My name is Itaya Sayuri. I live in Sapporo, Hokkaido.
Sapporo is a really liveable city because, although we have a lot of snow in the winter, the summers are much cooler than other areas of Japan. Apart from teaching Japanese, I also hope to let everyone know about Sapporo, its beautiful nature and delicious food.
I play volleyball once or twice a week for my health and play golf on occasion. I also love watching movies.
Do you think the Japanese language is difficult? Well, come and enjoy studying with me in our online Japanese classroom?don't worry about making mistakes and just try to speak up as much as possible. I think this is the secret to success in Japanese. Ganbare!

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